Our inspiration: The Ocean

a person swimming in the ocean surrounded by fish

We’re a passionate team of entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers, optimists, believers, and of course: food lovers. Our drive to help transform our global food systems is what unites us.

Dr. Sebastian Rakers
Dr. Sebastian Rakers
Co-Founder & Co-Chief Executive Officer
Fabian Friede
Fabian Friede
Co-Chief Executive Officer
Simon Fabich
Simon Fabich
Dr. Christian Dammann
Dr. Christian Dammann
Chief Technology Officer
Stefanie Gromer
Stefanie Gromer
VP Finance Administration
Dr. Gaye Çetinkaya Campari
Dr. Gaye Çetinkaya Campari
Team Lead of Cell Line Development
Dr. André Schiefner
Dr. André Schiefner
Team Lead of Media Development
Dr. Duong Nguyen
Dr. Duong Nguyen
Team Lead of Bio-Processing
Dr. Tugce Parreidt
Dr. Tugce Parreidt
Team Lead of Food Tech
Katharina Fricke
Katharina Fricke
Human Resources
Dr. Anna Krampitz
Dr. Anna Krampitz
Lab Management
Cana Eisenhauer
Cana Eisenhauer
Quality & Regulatory
Dr. Cornelius Lahme
Dr. Cornelius Lahme
Marketing & Communications
Jan Messe
Jan Messe
Team Operations
Alexander Malkmus
Alexander Malkmus
Team Operations
Anne-Kathrin Luers
Anne-Kathrin Luers
Team Operations
Linn Kreins
Linn Kreins
Team Cell Line Development
Nina Bornemann
Nina Bornemann
Team Cell Line Development
Dr. Eleonora Trovato
Dr. Eleonora Trovato
Team Cell Line Development
Vincent Gassl
Vincent Gassl
Team Cell Line Development
Lagan Pathania
Lagan Pathania
Team Media Development
Emilie Wildschutz
Emilie Wildschutz
Team Media Development
Dr. Niraimathi Govindasamy
Dr. Niraimathi Govindasamy
Team Media Development
Günther Prohaczka
Günther Prohaczka
Team Media Development
Shivashankar Ravi
Shivashankar Ravi
Team Media Development
Patrícia Lopes
Patrícia Lopes
Team Media Development
Anna Barmpouni
Anna Barmpouni
Team Bio-Processing
Vanessa Janas
Vanessa Janas
Team Bio-Processing
Ricco Heinze
Ricco Heinze
Team Bio-Processing
Dr. Karen Wohlers
Dr. Karen Wohlers
Team Bio-Processing
Dr. Ying-Ying Lin
Dr. Ying-Ying Lin
Team Bio-Processing
Charlotte Bramers
Charlotte Bramers
Team Bio-Processing
Julia Gisder
Julia Gisder
Team Food Tech

we are







making cultivated seafood the new normal

an orange quotation mark

Delicious, healthy fish, completely without animal suffering? That sounds almost too good to be true.

a man in a chef's coat standing next to a staircase
an orange quotation mark

I get up in the morning to work on the future of food. Nice, right?

a man standing on top of a white wall
an orange quotation mark

This is the place where everyone really gets into it.

a woman in a white lab coat standing next to a stair case
an orange quotation mark

Cultivating fish is not a compromise, but a real alternative.

an orange quotation mark

The idea is too good not to pursue.

an orange quotation mark

I’ve always been fascinated by our oceans, ever since I saw a shark documentary at age 7. Then I studied marine biology… and here we are.

a man in a chef's coat standing next to a staircase
a man standing on top of a white wall
a woman in a white lab coat standing next to a stair case

BLUU Biosciences is founded by Sebastian and Simon in Lübeck, Germany. The two hire our first five employees.


We raise our €7.2M seed round and grow to 15 employees. Christian joins as late Co-Founder and COO. We establish our new lab in Lübeck and co-found CellAg Europe.


We rebrand as BLUU Seafood and present our first products to the world. We now have 25 employees.


We close our Series A funding round, raising €16M, and grow our team to 33 people. We move into our new company HQ in Hamburg.

Sounds like your kind of mission?

Our interdisciplinary team of passionate experts is the key to realizing our vision for the future. If this sounds like you, we'd love to hear from you!